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Converting Data to TOB1

Temple Apr 20, 2009 08:27 PM

I would like to convert ASCII data into a TOB1 file so that I can read flux data into the flux program EdiRe. Any ideas on how to convert multiple ASCII files into this particular format?

Also, I've heard that there is a utility under C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet called toa_to_tob1.exe, but I cannot find it on my computer. Any ideas of where I could download it?



Danaw Apr 20, 2009 11:58 PM

Also, I've heard that there is a utility under C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet called toa_to_tob1.exe, but I cannot find it on my computer. Any ideas of where I could download it?

If you have LoggerNet 3.4.1, you will find the file at C:\Program Files\CampbellSci\LoggerNet (assuming you accepted the default directories during installation). The syntax required for this command line utility can be found in the current LoggerNet users manual, Section 11.3 (the users manual can be found here: http://www.campbellsci.com/documents/manuals/loggernet.pdf).


Christian Sep 30, 2009 11:39 AM

I have successfully installed the LoggerNet software (version 3.4.1) and I have successfully retrieve data from the datalogger.

I try to open the "toa_to_tob1.exe" tool at the C:\Program Files\CampbellSci\LoggerNet but it doesn't open. I opens and after less than a second it closes, without achieving to see the screen.

How could I fix it?

Thank you in advance.


jra Sep 30, 2009 03:26 PM

This is a command line utility. As Dana said:
The syntax required for this command line utility can be found in the current LoggerNet users manual, Section 11.3 (the users manual can be found here: http://www.campbellsci.com/documents/manuals/loggernet.pdf).

The utility is executed from a DOS command prompt as follows:

toa_to_tob1 input_filename output_filename

where input_filename is the name of the TOA5 data file and output_filename is the name of the TOB1 file after conversion.

Note that if the utility does not reside in the same directory as the data files, the entire directory paths must be used. Also note that the utility will overwrite any existing file with the same name as output_filename. So, use caution in specifying the output_filename.

Let us know if you need more information.

* Last updated by: Janet on 9/30/2009 @ 9:26 AM *

Christian Sep 30, 2009 09:27 PM

It is possible to open all the tools which are found in the folder LoggerNet, for example CardConvert, cora_cmd, CRBasicEditor, EdlogW, logmon, logview, sms, Trace and others except of LNCmd, TMEngine, tob32 and toa_to_tob1.

When I open the "toa_to_tob1" tool, the screen of the tool appears for a less than a second and it dissapears.

I understand how it works but I can't open it.

How could I fix it? I installed again the LoggerNet software but it didn't fix the problem.



jra Oct 1, 2009 02:05 PM

Hi Christiana,

You must be a youngster. Let's take a ride in the way back machine, hold on to your hat! DOS is what computers used before Windows. There is no GUI, just text. Find the DOS Command Prompt icon on you computer, it might be on your desktop or you may have to navigate to it Start | Programs | Accessories. You'll get a black screen with white text on it. Welcome to DOS.

You'll see something like: C:\Documents and Settings\yourname>
type: cd\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet <enter>
Now you'll see: C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\LoggerNet>
type: toa_to_tob1 C:\CampbellSci\LoggerNet\CR1000_data.dat C:\CampbellSci\LoggerNet\newTOBdata.dat <enter>
Now you'll see some information about version numbers and how many records were processed. Now, using Windows Explorer find: newTOBdata.dat in your C:\CampbellSci\LoggerNet\ folder. Phew! You're done.

The above paths and filenames are what I used. Your filenames will likely be different.

Hope that helps. Find someone in your office who is in the "Over 30 club" and they'll likely be able to help also.

Post again if you have other questions.


aps Oct 1, 2009 06:22 PM

Just to follow on, the reason this command line type program is provided is so you can call the program in automated batch programs, which can be run from a shortcut or more usefully as tasks run run after data collection.

Christian Oct 9, 2009 10:03 AM

Thank you for your helpful advices.

I run the "toa_to_tob1.exe" following exactly your suggestions, but the following message is displayed:

Processing error: "unsupported file type"

I could send you the image, where you may see this message, as well as the commands I type.

We use the CR10X datalogger and our data are in an ASCII format with the extension .dat.

I can't understand where is the error.

Thank you!


jtrauntvein Oct 9, 2009 11:51 AM

When data is collected from a CR10X, CR510, or CR23X datalogger (a "mixed array" logger), the data is stored in a file that has an entirely different format than that used for the newer generation loggers. This reflects a fundamental difference in the way that the dataloggers organise their data. For table based dataloggers, with a TOA (Table Oriented ASCII) formatted selected, the data from a single table is written to the file with a header that provides fields of meta data. The toa_to_tob1 utility relies upon this meta-data in order to produce what is needed for the TOB1 format.

The mixed array format, however, does not provide and header and further has the capability of mixing different types of data records (arrays). Without that meta-data being provided, there is no means of producing the TOB1 format from that file.


Jon Trauntvein

Christian Oct 16, 2009 12:38 PM

So, this means that it is not possible to convert ASCII data from a CR10X datalogger using the "toa_to_tob1" tool. Do you know if there is the possibility to convert these data into binary format (TOB1) with any other tool?

Trying to convert data with binary format, collected in a CR10X datalogger, usind CardConvert it is not possible to find any binary file. CR10X has the option of an output file with a binary format. It is possible to see this data only with "View", but how can I have these data in a .csv file?

Thank you.


Danaw Oct 16, 2009 03:33 PM

Hello Christiana,

I think I need clarification.

Do you have an ASCII file that you are trying to convert to binary (and WHY would you want to do this?)?


Do you have a binary file you are trying to convert to ASCII.

If it is the latter, the Split tool found in LoggerNet & PC400W will easily let you convert the mixed array binary format to ASCII.


Danaw Oct 16, 2009 08:28 PM

I talked with one of our support people who is familiar with the EdiRe software. He said that the software is capable of reading in field formatted ASCII, which means if you have a comma delimited ASCII file (the default for CR10X files), that file could be run through Split to convert it to field formatted.

He also said the only way to process the existing mixed array file so that it is binary is to make it appear like a TOA5 file -- which means adding TOA5 appropriate headers to the data and converting the mixed array timestamp to table-based format using Split's date function.

Information on using Split is in its help file and also in the LoggerNet user manual. Information on the TOA5 header format is in the LoggerNet manual. Neither of these is trivial if you are unfamiliar with the process. I would suggest working with the ASCII files to import them into EdiRe.

Regards, Dana

Christian Oct 18, 2009 06:02 PM

I would like to convert ASCII files of a CR10X datalogger to binary in order to import them in Edire. I will try all these you wrote in your last post.

Additionaly, I tried successfully to convert files with mixed-array binary format of a CR10X datalogger to ASCII with the "Split" tool.

I feel more safe if I save the data of a datalogger in an ASCII format, because I can see and process them any time without any conversion.

Christian Oct 18, 2009 06:03 PM

I would like to convert ASCII files of a CR10X datalogger to binary in order to import them in Edire. I will try all these you wrote in your last post.

Additionaly, I tried successfully to convert files with mixed-array binary format of a CR10X datalogger to ASCII with the "Split" tool.

I feel more safe if I save the data of a datalogger in an ASCII format, because I can see and process them any time without any conversion.

Thank you.



febrama Oct 30, 2010 08:00 PM

I made it!!! It´s quite different as appears in the LoggerNet´s manual. Campbell should be knows, that when install LoggerNet the setup will create two folders with the same name.

One of these will be at the root: [b]C:\Campbellsci\Loggernet)[b], and another will be at: [b]C:\Program Files\Campbellsci\Loggernet)[b]

Well, when you´ll be convert format you need put the [b]SECOND[b] command in the prompt.

Doing that nobody else will have problems.

PS: Processing will take a lot time.

Cheers and enjoy!

river1 May 16, 2016 01:21 PM


I would like to process raw eddy flux tower data that I downloaded from the Fluxnet website to use EdiRe software. It is in the format of *.txt file. Currently, our lab does not have LoggerNet software. Is it still possible to convert *.txt files to *.tob1 file without LoggerNet? If not, what other possibilities I can explore?

Thank you very much.

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