I am dealing with weather station that requires a power cycle to assist qith its function ( i am talking to the supplier to resolve this)
previously a power cycle every 24 hours worked well. but i now want to do this at the top of every hour.
can you assis with this.
below is my code using and Else IF function for the SW-2. this works fine for a power cycle once every 24 hours.
how can i extend this to once every 60 minutes.
'Main Scan Scan(1,Min,1,0) 'Scan once every minute
Battery(Batt_volt())'Read the supply and lithium voltages
PanelTemp(PTemp_degC,50) 'Read CR6 internal temp
'Weather station switch
If TimeIsBetween (720,725,1440,Min)
Then 'between 1200noon and 1205
SW12(2,0)'turn off SW2 ()
SW12(2,1)'turn on SW2 ()
'Weather station code 'WindDir', 'WindSpd', 'AirTemp','RelHumidity', 'AirPressure', 'wtxRain', and 'Hail_cm2' SDI12Recorder(WXT(),C3,"3","M!",1,0)'WXT520 Weather Transmitter measurements CallTable Table1 'Call Data Table and Store Data
You should just have to adjust the parameters of the TimeIsBetween() instruction.
This example would have the power off for for minutes every hour.
If TimeIsBetween (55,59,60,Min) Then
SW12(2,0)'turn off SW2 ()
SW12(2,1)'turn on SW2 ()