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Web Server/API Commands

PPeters Jun 30, 2022 01:28 AM

quick question

trying to use the webserver API commands to remote set a variable on a logger

I can get the example string to work on my master logger but I have other loggers set up on a RF network off this logger.

all access via the same IP with the logger handling the radio routing.. RF412 on CR1000 to CR300 Rf412 loggers

can I assign a pakbus address inside the url call?  my example master is 719 with outstation 773

many thanks

nsw Jul 6, 2022 10:19 AM

The Web API instructions are not using PakBus, as they are using HTTP and there is no option to add in a remote PakBus address in the instruction.

The only way I can think of to do this, is to update one or more Public variables using the Web API. Then you program the CR1000 to transfer those values to the remote station(s) the variable is intended for. The "SendVariables" instruction could be used to do this.

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