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CRBasic command equivalent to “file.flush()”

Bart-Fr Jul 11, 2022 08:37 AM



I have a problem transferring some files from an Arduino to a CRD on a CR1000 using a TTL line. Everything works but when the CR11000 is writing the buffered data (I guess it works as every other logger, it means CR1000 buffers the data to write to the file and writes it physically on a CRD when the buffer is full) received from the Arduino, some data are lost. I need then to set up a synchronization but for this, I would like to use on CR1000 something like “file.flush()” instruction (existing on Arduino) that forces to write the buffer to the file even if it is not full. I guess I can close the file and then open it again on the EOF but maybe there is a more elegant way? Could you help, please?

nsw Jul 15, 2022 11:15 AM

Hi. Could you explain what protocol you are using to transfer the files from the Arduino to the CR1000?

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