I've three data tables in a CR6 program, two tables with 4 variables each can publish via MQTT. But the other table with 52 varaibles cannot publish or cannot get message. The code used to send for all three table is as belows:-
DataTable(VB_Peak,True,-1) DataInterval(0,5,Min,10) Sample(1,StartTime,IEEE8) 'Sec Since Epoch Sample(1,Time_Stamp,IEEE8) 'mSec Since Epoch Sample(1,Time_Stamp_Str,String) Sample(1,Time_Stamp_Str1,String) Sample(3,x1_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,y1_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,z1_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,PVS1_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,x2_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,y2_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,z2_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,PVS2_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,x3_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,y3_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,z3_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,PVS3_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,x4_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,y4_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,z4_Vdata,FP2) Sample(3,PVS4_Vdata,FP2) MQTTPublishTable (0,-1,0,Min,1) EndTable DataTable (Test,1,-1) DataInterval (0,5,Min,10) Minimum (1,Batt_V,FP2,False,False) Sample (1,PTemp,FP2) Sample (Num_VW,DG,FP2) Sample (Num_VW,T,FP2) MQTTPublishTable (0,-1,0,Min,1) EndTable DataTable (VB_Batt,1,-1) DataInterval (0,5,Min,10) Sample (1,Status_1,FP2) Sample (1,Status_2,FP2) Sample (1,Status_3,FP2) Sample (1,Status_4,FP2) MQTTPublishTable (0,-1,0,Min,1) EndTable
The messsage I did not get from the MQTT broker is "VB_Peak" table. Status and state of the logger, "Test" table and "VB_Batt" table, all receive as schedlued, except "VB_Peak" table. Where it could be the problem, program error or capability of the datalogger or capability of the MQTT broker?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,