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How to configure in CR-BASIC RS-232 FOR ANEMOMETER

Unilab Jan 16, 2023 02:45 PM
Dear friends,

I need to configure a port on my CR-850 datalogger through CR BASIC to receive data via RS-232 using channels C1 and C2...)

I need to configure anemometers and weather stations that have an RS-485 output and I am using a 485 to rs-232 converter, thus connecting them in this mode.

I just need to read the wind speed information.

Can anyone help me write this program?

Thank you very much

JDavis Jan 16, 2023 05:30 PM

What model of sensor is it?

Unilab Jan 16, 2023 08:16 PM

Hi, JDavis!

WMT-700 Ultrassonic wind sensor Vaisala

WXT-536 Vaisala

Observator 160

All RS-485 to RS232

Unilab Jan 18, 2023 02:05 AM

 Please if you can help me initially for the WMT700 it will help me a lot.

In Hyperteminal Config 19200  - 8 - 1 N - 1

WMT700 NMEA MWV commands

This command polls data from WMT700 when the WMT700 NMEA MWV protocol is selected.


NameDescription$Message header--2-character talker ID of the polling unit<id>2-character WMT700 sensor ID; AA … ZZQQuery command,Field delimiterMWVSentence formatter*<chk>Checksum field(8-bit XOR, excluding $ and *)<CR>Carriage return code, ASCII 0DH<LF>Line feed code, ASCII 0AHTo use WMT700 with the WMT700 NMEA MWV profile, set the autoSend parameter to 0 to enable polling or define a fixed output interval with the autoInt parameter. If you use automatic messages, set the autoSend parameter to 20.WMT700 NMEA MWV data message

WMT700 NMEA MWV data message is as follows:


NameDescription$Message header<id>Two character sensor ID; AA … ZZMWVFixed text<dir>Wind angle: 0 to 359°<ref>Reference: R = relative<spd>Wind speed<uni>Wind speed unit: K = km/h

M = m/s

N = knots

<sta>Status: A = Valid data

V = Invalid data

*Fixed text<chk>Checksum (8-bit XOR, excluding $ and *)<CR>Carriage return code, ASCII 0DH<LF>Line feed code, ASCII 0AHExample of the command and response:


Interpretation of the example message:

  • Talker ID "II" queries the WMT700 NMEA MWV message from sensor which has address parameter set to "WI".
  • WMT700 responds with talker ID "WI" and the requested MWV message. The reported relative wind direction is 045 degrees and the wind speed is 11.63 knots. 

#######################3WE NEDD IN M/S #############################

FredReynoso Jan 27, 2023 07:24 AM

This post is under review.

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