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program to display data on website

Geert May 2, 2014 12:25 PM

I use this equipment:

Now i use the program Weather Display to read the loggernet datafile. WD display the data on my website.


But.... Weather Display is a horrible program. Bad programmed. So i want to use another program.

Is there an alternative?

* Last updated by: Geert on 5/2/2014 @ 6:32 AM *

EarlyBird May 3, 2014 07:05 AM

When I had nothing better to do and was looking for an interesting project I developed my own web data display system using MS Visual Studio hosted on an ASP.net web server. This is completely custom made to individual taste. The one feature I really wanted was to make the charts interactive and not just fixed images. This is now five years old and thanks to MS could be updated using the latest software versions and targeting Windows 8.1 which will be another interesting project when I am not busy.

Take a look.


Obviously you could do the same.

With the right tools the world is you oyster!

Jackson.Lopes Jul 25, 2016 01:31 PM


its possible  that you show us  your CRBasic program?



Makada Jul 25, 2016 07:09 PM


WeatherDisplay uses the public table (in my case), and you can select the sensors from it, very easy.

Well worth the money, 60 bucks, or use the 30 day evaluation first.

You can ask him on his forum on his website shown above, very regular updates to.

Oh i forgot, its possible to send the weatherdata to wow, weather underground, noaa warnings and much more.

Im very pleased with it.

JDavis Jul 26, 2016 03:01 PM

Campbell Scientific does make the RTMC Pro software package that can display data on a website. It includes interactive graph displays. For many customers, it has all the features they need and the short development time is worth the price.

There are third parties that make more expensive software packages for data display, with more features.

Many customers choose to make their own software for data display. The data files generated by Loggernet are easy to read into other software. There are even XML and JSON options for output files. ASP and Java are the most common platforms customers choose for writing custom software. I have seen some very impressive websites customers have created.

When working with data, I highly recommend managing it in a database for data integrity. Campbell Scientific sells the LNDB package as a simple way to get Loggernet data into an SQL database. For years, customers have created scripts to read in the DAT files into other SQL databases.

Both RTMC Pro and LNDB have trial versions so you can try them to see if they meet your needs.

Makada Jul 26, 2016 04:37 PM

Hi JDavis,

Youre right about loggernet lndb and rtmc pro etc.

But you have to understand a bit of cr basic.

It is not just plug and play, like noaa charts, met office wow, weather underground uploads etc.

And rate of change last hour, max gust at time from which direction, max average today/last hour, wind chill, rainflow, sun hours, kwh, dew point, wet bulb to name a few.

its all possible, but that has to be programmed with cr basic or short cut.

i dont know how to achieve this shown below...:

 Averages\Extremes for day :July 2016
Day      Temp         Wind       Gust       Rain       Max Temp     Min Temp   Av Hum   Av Baro       Av Dir       Wind run   Windchill Sunshine  ET  Max Solar
 01      16.8°C    14.1kmh    42.6kmh    00.0mm       18.8°C       13.9°C     082%     1011.3 mb     220 ° ( SW)  332.4km   12.3°C    00:06   2.4    396.7      

 02      16.1°C    17.8kmh    53.7kmh    00.0mm       20.8°C       12.9°C     068%     1014.0 mb     243 ° (WSW)  426.2km   11.3°C    05:42   7.4    1109.8     


                           MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY for JUL. 2016
                            TEMPERATURE ( °C), RAIN (mm), WIND SPEED (kmh)
                                               HEAT     COOL           AVG
      MEAN                                     DEG      DEG            WIND                       DOM
DAY   TEMP    HIGH   TIME     LOW    TIME      DAYS     DAYS    RAIN   SPEED    HIGH    TIME      DIR
01    16.8    18.8   13:41    13.9   23:43     01.5     00.0    00.0   14.1     42.5    21:55      SW
02    16.1    20.8   14:09    12.9   06:15     02.2     00.0    00.0   17.8     53.6    17:25     WSW
03    17.2    23.2   13:56    12.4   05:36     01.1     00.0    00.0   11.3     35.1    11:26     WSW
04    18.3    25.9   13:23    00.0   17:05     00.0     00.0    00.0   04.8     22.2    20:04     WSW
05    16.6    19.6   15:25    00.0   07:18     01.7     00.0    00.0   12.3     46.3    11:31      W
06    17.6    24.2   15:15    12.9   03:21     00.7     00.0    00.0   05.1     24.1    17:20     NNW



Makada Oct 15, 2016 01:14 PM

is it possible to have the data shown above?

i think so, but i dont have a clue how to do it.

possibly someone got an crbasic example?

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