I have 7 CR1000 installed in several photovoltaic sites. I'm getting some problem with FTP daemon in my CR1000. The only way for fixing these problems is: Send to CR1000 the program using loggernet. Then CR1000 reboot and I can use FTP again.
My question is simple: Is there any way for doing this process using telnet or http? I need to do this task automatically.
Thanks you very much
Are you using the latest version of the CR1000 OS? 27.04 is the latest.
There is not a way to reboot the logger remotely unless we want to do a total reset. But I don't think you want to do that.
I have not heard of any issues with the FTP server on the logger locking up. So I wonder if we have other issues.
Send me an email at gtroberts -at- campbellsci.com and we will work on getting this resolved.
You should not have to reboot the logger to keep it working. It should just run.
I have noticed that there is a nice way to do a partial reboot remotely. Make sure the program includes an EditableConstants table (even if you don't need the functionality it offers). The connect screen will add an entry to the end of this table called ApplyAndRestart. Just make the value true, and the program restarts. Just takes a few seconds and nothing is lost.