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Programming compatibility: CR10X vs. CR800

Rocha Aug 31, 2015 08:12 PM

I am in need of developing a program (PC/micro-controller talking to datalogger) for a CR800 device.

However, I only have a CR10X. What are the expected issues when trying to do this? I mean, is there a minimum programming compatibility between CR10X and CR800?


Danaw Sep 2, 2015 03:31 PM

The CR10X and the CR800 are programmed using different languages/programming editors. The CR10X uses Edlog, and the CR800 uses CRBasic.

LoggerNet includes a program called the "transformer" that will take a CR10X Edlog file and convert it to a CRBasic file. Additional editing will likely need to be done, but it is a good start for converting from our older, mixed-array dataloggers to our newer ones.

Dana W.

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