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setup and connection error with loggernet

ekahler Nov 6, 2015 05:27 PM

I was able to use Device Config and PC200W to connect to my CR800 datalogger from my desktop, send a program, and collect data from a sensor. I just installed Loggernet on my computer though, and I am unable to get it to connect to my datalogger. I went through setup, added comport, pakbus logger, CR800series, and followed some instructions I found for completing setup, but when I try to connect I just get an error message.

The failure message when I try using the connect function reads:

Failure: 11/6/2015 10:13:41.108
transaction failure","unreachable destination","Get Logger Program Status
Failure: 11/6/2015 10:13:41.108
transaction failure","unreachable destination","check/set clock
Failure: 11/6/2015 10:13:41.108
delivery failure received","timed out or resource error

I've connected the logger via the RS-232 port on the logger and the same kind of connection on my computer (not the USB). This worked fine for the other two programs but not for Loggernet. I am totally new to this system and no one where I work is familiar with it either. I have read through the Pakbus manual and skimmed relevant sections of the CR800 manual, but if there is a better step by step instruction set somewhere, please let me know where I can find it.

I suspect the error may have something to do with the "table definitions suspect" alert that comes on. I'm not sure what that means though because when I set it up and set up the tables for what data I wanted it to collect, it did so just fine when I was using PC200W to view the data...

JDavis Nov 9, 2015 05:17 PM

It is likely just a basic setting that is not set right in Loggernet.

I suggest reconnecting with Device Config and look at which Baud Rate and Com Port you are using. Also while connected, you can see the Pakbus address of the datalogger. Then, make sure in Setup in Loggernet you selected the same baud rate, com port, and Pakbus address.

ekahler Nov 10, 2015 07:10 PM

Ok, I did get Loggernet to connect to individual dataloggers now - the problem was that in Setup I had the comport set to communicate withe RF401A instead of COM1 - the instructions for setting up the radio said to set it up that way to be able to communicate with the datalogger via the radio (I think) but it didn't work.

Now I'm just trying to set up everything in a row - direct communication with the CR800, and remote communication with the CR206 via the radio. Do I have to write and send a program in order to be able to do this or should I be able to connect the components and get reads from the remote datalogger via Loggernet?

JDavis Nov 10, 2015 08:20 PM

I suggest trying out Network Planner. It will provide settings for all the pieces of hardware.

There is a tutorial video about Network Planner to get you started:

Communication of Loggernet through the CR800 to the CR206 can be done with a few settings. If the CR800 itself needs access to data from the CR206, you would need to make changes to the CR800 program.

jtrauntvein Nov 10, 2015 08:43 PM

This shouldn't require any specific programming to work. I would suggest that you look at the Network Planner to set up your links as it will be the easiest way to coordinate settings between the devices and LoggerNet.

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