Hello, i was wondering if there is some kind of manual of advanced instructions in CRBasic........ Some times i see programs with some special instructions that i dont see in the manual..... in example if some one want to see the value of a table list write in the CR Basic code something like:
or similar sintax, so there is some kind of manual about this type ox sintax?
The best place to find help on differenct instructions is the CRBasic Editor help file. Specifically, for help on Table.Status, look in the index of the CRBasic Editor help file under Data Table access | TableName.FieldName. If you click on "Example" at the top of the help topic that comes up, it will show you CRBasic code that uses that functionality.
Thank you!!!
I have was i looking for
Regards :)
Also, take a look at this blog post: https://www.campbellsci.com/blog/programmatically-access-stored-data-values