Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm having some difficulty getting my data acquisition to work in the way I would like it to. My setup includes a CR1000 paired with an NL240 wireless adapter. The NL240+CR1000 is given a static local IP on the WLAN (for example, This IP is on the WLAN generated by a standard home wireless router that has a global IP of A.B.C.232. I wish to connect to the CR1000 with a PC running RTMC Pro which is given a fixed IP of A.B.D.57 (where A.B is the same for both the wireless router and the PC, but C and D are separate subnets). I have followed the directions in this video as well as set port forwarding rules in the wireless router for HTTP and HTTPS. I have not been able to connect to the datalogger either using the Loggernet Connect screen or RTMC by using the public IP of the wireless router (A.B.C.232). I have, however, been able to connect with a laptop when the laptop is on the same WLAN (192.168.0.X), using the local IP of the NL240+CR1000 ( Can anyone help me connect to my equipment? Much appreciated!