I have a CR200X that will be connected to 6 CS655s. The CS655s will be split into groups of 3, so to speak. One group will be in one plot and the other group will be in an adjacent plot. Each group has a sensor at 5, 25, and 50 cm. I've never written a program before. I'd like to set up two tables, one for each plot. Here is my attempt at the program based on Shortcut and my own tweaks for multiple sensors and tables. I would appreciate feedback.
Public BattV
Public CS65X(18)
Alias CS65X(1)=VWC_1
Alias CS65X(2)=EC_1
Alias CS65X(3)=T_1
Alias CS65X(4)=VWC_2
Alias CS65X(5)=EC_2
Alias CS65X(6)=T_2
Alias CS65X(7)=VWC_3
Alias CS65X(8)=EC_3
Alias CS65X(9)=T_3
Alias CS65X(10)=VWC_4
Alias CS65X(11)=EC_4
Alias CS65X(12)=T_4
Alias CS65X(13)=VWC_5
Alias CS65X(14)=EC_5
Alias CS65X(15)=T_5
Alias CS65X(16)=VWC_6
Alias CS65X(17)=EC_6
Alias CS65X(18)=T_6
Units BattV=Volts
Units VWC=m^3/m^3
Units EC=dS/m
Units T=Deg C
'Define Data Tables
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(1),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(4),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(7),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(10),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(13),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(16),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
CallTable Table1
CallTable Table2
CallTable Table3
Just to clarify, do you plan to change the XX in the SDI12Recorder()instruction to match the SDI12 address of each particular sensor at a given depth? If so, the program looks very similar to that created by ShortCut and should work. You may consider placing each sensor in its own table or seperating VWC, EC, and Temp in their own tables. The way you have the tables configured currently splits sensor #4 into table 1 and table 2.
Yes, you're right, I did type the program in wrong here on the forum. I checked what I have in the editor and sensor 4 is in one table, not split. It would help if the forum would let you copy and paste. I had to retype the whole program for this forum post. I plan to change the XX to match address of the sensor. Thanks for the feedback.
I talked to John off of the message board. He was trying to use right-click functions. I will let the website team know that is missing. For now, you can use Ctrl+C for copy and Ctrl+V for paste and that should work.
I installed the dataloggers. The program as written above does not work. When I retrieved the data from the loggers after a week, it looked like this:
2016-07-13 12:00:00 0 "NAN" 0 0 "NAN" 0 0 "NAN" 0 0
2016-07-13 12:01:00 1 "NAN" 0 0 "NAN" 0 0 "NAN" 0 0
The logger wasn't recording anything and I figured it was because there was something wrong with the program. The first problem was that the SDI12Recorder command had quotes around the command. In this case
This needs to be literally
where XX is actually a single number that refers to the sensor address, so an example would be
as I had it in there. In this example, 4 is the sensor's address.
These loggers are in remote locations and about 4 hours away from me, so getting out to them is a little bit of work. As well, there is no phone service out there, so I can't contact anyone for help.
I pondered the program and changed this part, after looking at the manual for CS650 and my program.
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(1),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(4),"XXM!",1,0) 'XX - sensor address. this is at xx cm
I dropped the number in the CS65X() command. I did not realize this was a command, I thought it was a variable/alias. Now this part of my program looks like this:
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(),4M!,1,0) '4sensor address. this is at 5 cm
SDI12Recorder(CS65X(),2M!,1,0) '2sensor address. this is at xx cm
Now, the data look like this:
2016-07-13 13:09:00 0 "NAN" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2016-07-13 13:10:00 1 "NAN" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
So, it looks like the CS65X() is a command and needs to have empty (). I'm still not sure why the first sensor was returned NAN, but the other sensors were reading something or at least showed a change. I don't know what needs to be corrected and am open to suggestions.
ShortCut does allow adding multiple CS655 sensors. You will need to individually change the addresses on the sensors themselves. If you have two sensors attached with the same internal address, both measurements will fail(NAN).
I had no way to confirm the addresses of the sensors at the time. I know an A200 will tell me, but I forgot a cable for that. I went with the serial numbers on the white label bands on the cables. It seemed a fair assumption, since it worked in some cases, but I suppose that the serial numbers could have not matched the actual internal address.
When you order the sensors, you can specify that you want the SDI-12 address set to the last digit of the serial number.
Section D.2 of the CS655 manual explains how to use a datalogger to check the sensor address and change if needed.
I inherited this project and the sensors and am not sure how the sensors were ordered with respect to the addresses.
Thanks for pointing out that section of the manual. I will look that over more closely.
We also have a video tutorial that shows checking and changing the SDI-12 address via terminal mode.
That video looked very useful. Thanks for the link.