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FRUN Language

SEMN May 11, 2016 03:49 PM


I am writing a program to calculate stage in a water control structure.

We have been using a FRun sequence to enter the actual field stage value into the public table, and the logger was updating the offset if it was needed.  This has worked great:

 'Offset calculation 'Offset_SG'
  If FRun=0 Then
  If Changed=0 Then

We are trying to modifiy this code to enter a tape down measurement (instead of stage) to have it auto correct the offset.

I modified the following code:

   'Offset calculation 'BR2 Out Stage Offset'
  If FRun_BR2Out=0 Then
  Changed_BR2Out=(BR2_RP_to_Vnotch - Obs_TD_BR2Out)-Old_BR2Out
  If Changed_BR2Out=0 Then
   Offset_TD_BR2Out=(BR2_RP_to_Vnotch - Obs_TD_BR2Out)-Raw_Level_ft_BR2Out
   Old_BR2Out=(BR2_RP_to_Vnotch - Obs_TD_BR2Out)


BR2_RP_to_Vnotch  = Our reference point fromt he top of the control structure

Obs_TD_BR2Out = our distance to water

I am getting an "Invalid or out of place expression" for the 2nd line of the revised code:    (BR2_RP_to_Vnotch-Obs_TD_BR2Out)=0

We would like to use this sequence as opposed to having field staff manually calcualte an offset.  Is there a fix to this, or a better way to procede?


Danaw May 12, 2016 09:07 PM

You need to store your calculated expression into a variable first:

Public NewVar

newvar=BR2_RP_to_VNotch - Obs_td_br2out


Dana W. 

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