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Restart CR6/CR3000 programs

GregRo May 17, 2016 03:20 AM

For the CR6/CR3000, are the programs sent to the loggers resent using software (such as PC200W), or is there a different way? In a similar vein, if power is reapplied to an already programmed datalogger, does it automatically restart the program in question, or does it also have to be resent in PC200W?

Danaw May 17, 2016 08:18 PM

There are several ways to get a program file onto the datalogger, including using DevConfig, LoggerNet's File Manager, transfer via a card, FTP, HTTP, and even email. 

Whether or not a program will run on power-up depends upon its file attributes. File attributes for a program are Run Now, Run On Powerup, or both Run Now/Run On Powerup. When you send a program using the Connect window in LoggerNet (or the main screen of PC200W), the file is sent with the attributes of Run Now/Run On Power up. If you send a program using File Control or CRBasic Editor, you can choose which attributes are set.

File attributes can be set under program control using the CRBasic FileManage instruction in your program. See the CRBasic Help file. 

File Attributes can be set using an INI file called "powerup.ini". See the datalogger manual for additional information. 

Also see the Include File topic in CRBasic Help (note: Include File setting is different than the Include instruction) for a discussion on the heirarchy of which programs are run in the instance that you have several ways that trigger programs to run (powerup.ini file, default.cr1, Include File setting). 

See the Web API help in CRBasic for a discussion on sending files and setting attributes via HTTP. 

Hopefully, one of these accomplishes what you are looking for. 

Best, Dana

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