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Data not displaying in CSI Web Server

jnicoll May 19, 2016 08:30 PM

CSI RTMC Pro v4.1.11

CSI Web Server v1.02.06

I have a couple of digital displays that use the 'valueattime function to determine the appropriate data to display.  These work fine in RTMC Pro and Run Time, but the values will not display in CSI Web.

Has anyone seen this type of behaviour before and oes anyone have any solutions for this problem?

Danaw May 19, 2016 09:41 PM

The first step would be to update to the latest version of RTMC Pro (which will also update the web server). The most recent version is 4.3 and can be downloaded free of charge from our web site. 

There were a couple of issues fixed between 4.1 and 4.3 that might be related to what you are seeing. 

If you continue to see problems, it would be helpful to email your project to our support team. 

Dana W. 

jnicoll Jun 2, 2016 07:19 PM

I have updated RTMC Pro to and CSI Webserver 1.04.19.

I continue to have the same data issue.  Now, I also have an issue displaying date/times in Internet Explorer 10, as follows:

In RTMC, the date/time fields are formatted as short system default: 06/02/2016 4:10:00 PM

On the web page, they are displayed as: Thursday, June 2, 2016 4:10:00 PM.

dates/Times display OK in Firefox (but the digital displays still don't work).



GaryTRoberts Jun 3, 2016 05:01 PM


  If you can email me a copy of your RTMC project, that will help us find the issue you are seeing.  You can send it to me at gtroberts -AT- campbellsci.com.


tmecham Jun 3, 2016 09:24 PM

We are using a more recent version of the JavaScript date format function to provide the locale specific short/long system defaults.  Apparently this was not supported in older versions of IE resulting in the long system default being displayed.  You could always just pick a specific format if the system default isn't working on browsers you need to support.

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