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Too slow scan using FFT function

Jackson.Lopes May 23, 2016 12:43 PM


I'm trying to use a FFT function to calculate significant height and peak period of waves but I'm not succeeding. The scan rate is very slow.

I'm not sure but i think if i use a subroutine or a slow sequence to run the FFT function it will minimize the time of scan.

The problem is : I don't have much experience programming CRBasic's language and I don't know how to procede with that.

Are there someone with any exemple or any explanation ?


Danaw May 23, 2016 03:46 PM

You may want to start by reading the help topics for PipeLineMode and SlowSequence in the CRBasic help file. These provide some background on how the datalogger handles processing of instructions.

Dana W.  

Jackson.Lopes May 23, 2016 04:39 PM

OK Dana. I'll try it.


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