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Control port: C7 already in use or unavailable, cannot be used in Pulsecount.

Aleex Jul 13, 2016 02:47 PM
How can I measure an anemometer through C7 and C8 door ( 17:18 )
when I try to compile aprece this error in the compilation .

Aleex Jul 13, 2016 02:49 PM

'Amostra do anemometro AN_1 - Conectado em Pulse Channel 1 (P1)
If AN_1<=AN_1_Offset Then AN_1=0

'Amostra do anemometro AN_2 - Conectado em Pulse Channel 2 (P2)
If AN_2<=AN_2_Offset Then AN_2=0

'Amostra do anemometro AN_3 - Conectado em Control Port 1 (C1)
If AN_3<=AN_3_Offset Then AN_3=0

'Amostra do anemometro AN_4 - Conectado em Control Port 2 (C2)
If AN_4<=AN_4_Offset Then AN_4=0

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