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Error Code result -7 with function GetDataRecord

SebastienLisah Aug 12, 2016 01:42 PM

I have a PakBus Radio with 2 CR1000 and 2 RF416.
I would like to retrieve table with the GetDataRecord Function.
I have a code Result "-7".
I search and search and test multiple parameters and I have all the time the code "-7".
I have test this :
- GetDataRecord (ResultCR1000_CAO,ComSDC7,0,3,0000,0,2,132768,TableCr1000_CAO)
- GetDataRecord (ResultCR1000_CAO,ComSDC7,0,3,0000,0,2,1,TableCr1000_CAO)
I also change TimeOut
My pakbus adress is correct.
If someone have a response for me?
Thank you and sorry for my english, I'm a french.

Terri Aug 12, 2016 04:51 PM

GetDataRecord (ResultCR1000_CAO,ComSDC7,0,3,0000,0,2,1,TableCr1000_CAO)
- This uses table 1 and the table definitions must be identical. If they are not, I expect you would get the -7 error when they aren't identical.

GetDataRecord (ResultCR1000_CAO,ComSDC7,0,3,0000,0,2,132768,TableCr1000_CAO)
- This uses table number of 132768.
- Are you using table 1 and want to add the 32768 so table definitions do not need to be identical?
- For Table 1 without identical tables, it should be "1+32768" or "32769" instead of 132768.

Try the table number changed to one of these :    

GetDataRecord (ResultCR1000_CAO,ComSDC7,0,3,0000,0,2,1+32768,TableCr1000_CAO)
- This way makes it a little more readable as table 1 plus the value for the option of non-identical table definitions

GetDataRecord (ResultCR1000_CAO,ComSDC7,0,3,0000,0,2,32769,TableCr1000_CAO)

JDavis Aug 12, 2016 05:07 PM

Almost every time, I have needed to do the +32768 to the table number.

The good news about getting a -7 error code is the two dataloggers are successfully talking to each other. Once you resolve that error code, the data transfer should work.

SebastienLisah Sep 21, 2016 12:58 PM


Thank you for your answers that  helped me.

My mistake was in the parameter "TableN° "

For the table number 1 of distant dataloger, the write parameter is 32769

For the table number 2 of distant dataloger, the write parameter is 32770

For the table number 3 of distant dataloger, the write parameter is 32771


The Crbasic 's helped said to use 1 for table 1, 2 for table 3...

So I suppose the table number 32768 is use for the satus table, so I don't know how to use is.

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