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ClockSet using TX321

Obelenis Aug 15, 2016 03:04 PM

Hello ,

I´m trying to set the CR6 clock using the ClockSet command and the GPS of the TX321.

The code is:

GOESGPS (GoesArray1(),GoesArray2())
If GoesArray2(1) <> "NAN" AND GoesArray1(1) = 0 Then
ClockSet (GoesArray2())
End If

But after the GPS Clock is acquired it freezes on the GoesArray2() variable, so the clock of the datalogger is continuously setted to the time in that variable.

Is there anyone who already did this?

Thank you

dmn Aug 22, 2016 05:14 PM

I'm not sure I understand what you're having trouble with. Does the data in the GoesArray2() stop updating?

How often are you trying to set the CR6 clock?

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