I need developing a program that takes each measurement along with it's respective timestamp and then stores the data within a two dimensions array.The first column stores the measurements and the second column stores the timestamp.
I' never done it before .
Any help?
Thanks and regards.
Every record in a data table will have a timestamp. You can simply set the data interval of a table to equal your scan rate, and you will have records for the individual measurements. Pay attention to the table fill times. The new tutorial about the Connect screen shows how to check table fill times.
I did what you've said and I'm getting the values along with it's timestamps stored within the data table. But now, I need to retrieve these data(values and timestamps)and store it in my array two dimensions. This is the most difficult part to me.
Do you Know how can I do that?
If you need it in an array for purposes on a PC, it will be easier to just handle that as post processing.
If you need to do some kind of processing on the datalogger based on timestamps and the associated data values, refer to the topic of Datatable Access in CRBasic help.
Jackson, Are you having problems copying the data from your datalogger to the PC? If so, this tutorial goes through "Data Collection" https://www.campbellsci.com/videos?tutorial=110
Hey Guys.
Thank you for your help. Finally I did .
I've simply stored the values on the data table each 0,5 sec. and using Iftime instruction to 0,5 interval either, I can trigger getrecord instruction to retrieve the records as a string and store them in my desired array.
It was easier than I thought.
Best regards.