can anyone tell how to connect davis air temperature and relative humidity 7859 sensor to CR1000 datalogger. Davir ATRH sensor is I2C communication.
I suggest you contact Davis and try to get information on the different wires. It's unlikely someone will know that on this forum.
I think if you want to connect one more measurement device to data logger CR1000 you will need to re-configure Data logger programs. I never did it with this data logger but I used other data loggers before and it was worked. Now, I checked this data logger and read the manual you will need re-configure data logger program. Because off sensor offset and slope need to show to the SW of the logger. And it is not easy. You have to be careful. additionally, you need to check the weather station may be it will work with this station. Even you will need to replace weather station too or repair.
From Davis pdf:
"This sensor uses a proprietary signal format and will work only with Davis weather stations. We do not support the use of this sensor in 3rd party installations.
Yellow = Temperature
Green = Relative Humidity Output
Blue = Control
White = +2.5VDC
Black & Red = Ground"
Perhaps, it is not just impossible ....... indeed.