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Size of data table files on server

skkimball Sep 23, 2016 04:51 PM


As Loggernet ingests data from a weather station, do the data table files on the server accumulate indefinitely or is there a cut-off size after which another file is generated?

Thank you in advance,

Sytske Kimball

University of South Alabama

Terri Sep 23, 2016 06:48 PM

I believe the default is -1 which means to grow indefinitely. You can find out what your setting is through the Setup Screen. Go to Tools | LoggerNet Server Settings. It opens to LoggerNet Settings. In the Data File Settings section, if you have a -1 (negative 1) showing in the field, then it will grow indefinitely. The note below says "A file size of 0 or less means that no maximum data file size will be enforced.

If you put your cursor in the field and press F1 key on the keyboard you will get help for that field which says:

Data File Settings

This box is used to set a maximum size, in bytes, for data files. When the maximum file size is reached, the current file will be archived (with an incrementing number and a .backup extension) and a new file will be created. Entering a value of 0 or less indicates that no maximum data file size should be enforced.

skkimball Nov 7, 2016 09:43 PM

I can find the item you refer to (Data File Settings) in Loggernet 4.3, but unfortunately we are still using Loggernet 3.4.1 on our server. Can you or someone else tell me where I can find Data File Settings in older versions?



JDavis Nov 7, 2016 10:16 PM

Loggernet 3.4.1 does not have the setting. It was added in Loggernet 4.0.

If you need to limit the size of the data files, you will have to move the files or rename them when they reach the size you want. Loggernet will create new files the next time it collects data.

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