dear all,
I’m working on a project with the cr6 logger. In this project it is critical for us to have the logger after a period of measurement completely at sleep. The current that I measure is around 70 mA. I have searched for a command in CRbasic for that, but no avail. If I have correctly understood, according to the following paragraph from the cr6 Manuel, we supposed to measure a current < 1mA at sleep mode. If not can someone really explain it to me, what that mean because I measure a current of 70 mA.
“ 7.4.2 Calculating Power Consumption
Read More Power Supplies — Overview (p. 87).
System operating time for batteries can be determined by dividing the battery capacity (ampere-hours) by the average system current drain (amperes). The CR6 typically has a quiescent current drain of <1 mA (with display off) 3 mA with a 1 Hz sample rate, and 67 mA with a 20 Hz scan rate. When the CR1000KD Keyboard Display is active, an additional 7 mA is added to the current drain while enabling the backlight for the display adds 100 mA. “
If my code may be the reason I used this following demo code, to just measure the power consumption, and the power I get is still around the 70 mA.
'Declare Constants
'CONST PI = 3.141592654 or Const PI = 4*ATN(1)
'Declare Public Variables
Public PTemp, batt_volt
'Declare Other Variables
'Dim Counter
'Define Data Tables.
DataTable (Test,1,-1) 'Set table size to # of records, or -1 to autoallocate.
DataInterval (0,15,Sec,10)
Minimum (1,batt_volt,FP2,False,False)
Sample (1,PTemp,FP2)
'Define Subroutines
'EnterSub instructions here
'Main Program
Scan (1,Sec,0,0)
PanelTemp (PTemp,15000)
Battery (Batt_volt)
'Enter other measurement instructions
'Call Output Tables
CallTable Test
I really need help at this level and now how I can really reach this level of < 1mA at sleep mode, if it is possible with the CR6 Logger.
Thank you for your support and ideas in advance.
Are you communicating with the logger when you measure that consumption? - this will push up the power drain by some tens of mA. Also if you have connected the logger to an ethernet network, this will enable the ethernet hardware which will also increase the power drain (you can turn that off under program control).
Thank you for the response I did made the measurement with no usb connection with the logger, and I have shot down the Ethernet port with the “EthernetPower” command. The program wish is running is the earlier demo program. But I still measure a power consumption of around 30 mA. The Pins of the U terminals are all free. I want to swish of the RS-232/ CPI-port but I did not found a code example for that. Can just give me a tip how I can do that.
Thanks in advance,
It takes a little while before the USB hardware shuts off.
You will see a little spike every second when the datalogger wakes up to do the measurement.
Increase your scan rate to 15 seconds, and you will notice a difference.
Hi JDavis,
Thanks for your response. I did what you proposed, but the current drain remain around 23. 19 mA. I have turn off the RS-232/CPI-Port, but there is no big change. I don t really know what to do next.
Is it running off of battery power, or do you have power going into the charge input?
Hi JDavis,
It is running from a generator with a 12V DC power supply
A couple of other suggestions make sure you have not other settings set, e.g. PPP enabled, all of which will push up the power consumption. Better still use the Device Configuration utility to reset the logger to the factory defaults.
Also if you do communicate with the logger, you need to be aware, that depending on the method used it can take between 30 and 60 seconds for the logger to drop back to its quiescent current use after the end of the communications session.
Hi all,
I just want to thank you for all your suggestions. I had to to disable in my program the PPP interface, wish keep the logger from getting in to sleep mode. I have now at this state a lower power consumption as desired.