I've made a code to get wind speed information through a Lambrecht 14574 . It ranges an output from 0 up to 192Hz which is equal to a range of wind that goes from 0 up to 50 m/s.
The code is working well.It is basiclly the code from the 014A one met wind sensor manual. I'm getting the data but I'm not sure if the settings of the pulse count instruction are correct .
Can you guys take a look on the code and tell me if I'm not missing anything out ?
'Declare Variables and Units
Public Batt_Volt
Public WS_ms
Units Batt_Volt=Volts
Units WS_ms=meters/second
'Define Data Tables
'Main Program
'Default Datalogger Battery Voltage measurement Batt_Volt:
' Wind Speed Sensor measurement WS_ms:
If WS_ms<0.01 Then WS_ms=0
'Call Data Tables and Store Data
Thanks and regards
The multiplier seem to me right and also the code for the output frequency, so you're not vincolatoto at scan time.
A great discussion could start about offset and filter for very low measures.
Perhaps Lambrecht can help you.
In the specifics 0.7 to 50 m/s is 0 to 192 Hz, it could mean that with no pulse (for an initial brake) may be a minimum wind of 0.7 that the sensor can not measure and then the cups remain stopped.
Less likely is that 0.7 should be applied on all measures (offset parameter in the "pulseCount" instruction).
So for me maybe right:
If WS_ms <0.7 = 0 Then WS_ms
But you may also decide that the question that is "there is very low wind, so low that not is measurable or that there really is no wind" so you can also :
If WS_ms = 0 Then WS_ms = 0.7 , but this decision depends on your weather application.
Hi. Sorry take too long for the answer and thanks for your help .
I'll follow your advice. Now, after your post it seems clear to me what I have to do.
Best regards.