I believe the most difficult part of the code I am trying to grasp when using Short Cut is obtaining what I am wanting out of the data, and I need a little help here. I am working on code for a weather station that is going to become part of a high school weather station at a FFA farm. I am attaching just the snips of code that short cut has set up for me regarding wind. I don't thnk the coding words for what I am after:
'05305 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor measurements 'WS_mph' and 'WindDir'
If WindDir>=360 OR WindDir<0 Then WindDir=0
'Define Data Tables
What I am ultimately trying to so is I have a 3 second scan going, and I am comfortably seeing the wind direction and wind speed in the public data. However I am trying to obtain the same quality data sets that is used by local agfarms and mesonet sites.
Every 5 minutes, I essentially record the average 5 minute wind speed based on the 300 readings) and call that column WSPD and store that down to the tenth of a MPH in a 5 minute table (Table1), also the average 5 minute wind direction, refer to that as WDIR, and WMAX would be the peak 3 secon reading during that 5 minute period. But I was unsure how to name the fields in the tables with these values. and is the average command the best command for doing wind speed direction averaging considering the value range changeing from NW to NE.
Then in my Daily file that is created after the midnight reading at midnight, I would best want to create the following data columns, if I may use the same colums names in a different context:
WSPD - I want it to just look at the last days worth of 5 minute readings and just average that, so its a average of all 5 minute wind speed observations that were logged in the 5 minute table for that day.
WSMX - Would be the Highest 5 minute average wind measurement that day using the same lookup at above.
WMAX - This would be the higest 3 second Wind Speed measurement, so I think this would be a standard Maximum command of the WS_mph or a lookup of the highest WMAX in the 5 minute tables, however I would love for it to give me the time of the that peak gust so I think if I do the maximum command in the daily table it will be a percise time vs just a 5 minute block.
** Then I see a lot of Wind deviations that stations use, and I am not fully grasping how useful this data is for farmers or weather service to look back at a storm event, but it may be something I want to proce as well and that seems to be defined as the standard deviation of the wind speed during a 5 minute period.
Also I would like in the Daily table to produce a PDIR which is the primary wind direction for the day, and what I am thinking for this is every 5 minutes the wind direction needs to be turned into a value as they describe as if the wind speed is between certain degrees it is assigned a number 0 for noth, 1 for NNE and there needs to be a running total each day for all 16 compass points and the one that has the highest number at midnight produces the wind direction for the PDIR.
Also I would like to produce a running 2 minute wind average and 10 minute wind gust as well with average wind direction that is just a running table that is not logged but accessible. I would like these to be referred to as WPSD2 WMAX10 and WDIR2.
I am hoping someone can provide me the commands or example of the commands to accomplish all of this in the most efficent programming or code. I seem to want to have a good subset of wind data as this installation will be in an open field at 10 meters and we want to be able to share data with our local fire departments, and earth science classes to show changes in pressure and wind direction data, and also make it useful for others to enjoy using the data following some standars that used out there.
Thank you for your comments.
Ron Malinowski