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Security Concern for the Sierra Wireless LS300 and RV50.

Brian Dec 7, 2016 10:27 PM

Sierra Wireless has confirmed reports of the “Mirai” malware infecting AirLink gateways that are using the default ACEmanager password and are reachable from the public internet. One symptom users of the LS300 and RV50 may see is an increase in billable traffic, which may be attributed to the “Mirai Trojan” (malware).

Users should reboot their LS300 or RV50 and change the password to protect the device.  Rebooting the modem will clear the “Mirai” malware from memory and changing the password will protect it from becoming infected again.

Use the link below for the full Sierra Wireless technical bulletin which has information about Mirai along with instructions on how to protect the Sierra Wireless gateway.


This information has been added to the LS300 and RV50 pages on our web site.


Danaw Dec 9, 2016 04:13 PM

Security should be a consideration for all publicly-accessible devices. Here is a recent blog post with tips on securing dataloggers and datalogger communication peripherals:



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