System diagram: Cellular Modem <-> CR6 master <- RF connection -> CR6 slave
For data collection, No problem
I can connect to CR6 master with ConnectScree software on PC.
I also can connect to both master and slave via LoggerLink App on Android phone.
But I am not able to connect CR6 slave with ConnectScree software on PC.
Device Config Utility on PC is not able to connect to both CR6 too.
Can any guru help me on this?
Thank you.
We have a blog article on the subject:
The master CR6 must have the IsRouter setting set to True. The slave and the master need to have different Pakbus addresses. The master also must discover the slave either with instructions in the program that directly talk to the slave, or a beacon interval setting for that communication port.
Loggernet will detect that it needs the master CR6 to route the message to the slave. In Loggerlink, you have to put in the Pakbus address of the router as the Neighbor.
Below settings are configured. otherwise, I will be not able to connect to CR6 slave via LoggerLink.
The trouble is on PC with ConnectScreen or Device Config Utility software, I am not able to connect CR6 Slave.
Device Config Utility on PC is not able to connect CR6 master too.
Device Configuration does not support routing through one datalogger to get to another.
When you connect to the master datalogger, you should see the address of the slave datalogger in the Status table in the Pakbus Routes field.
Thank you Jacob, After read through your article and design the network with <Network Planner>.
I found the Neighbors Allowed SDC7 need to be configed. as I use SDC7 for RF407 between master and slave.
Now I can connect to maste and slave via ConnectScreen on PC.
But still not able to use Dec Config Utility to connect to any data logger.