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CR7 with PROM chips?

erfan Dec 17, 2016 12:20 AM

My CR7 has 353A 6533, 354B 44582, 355B 49783 and 356C 45965 PROM, if I want to measure and storage data of Psychrometer sensor, do I need only psychrometer PROM chip to instead the 356C or I need other PROM chips?  I have the A3497 cooling current interface. Thanks

Chod Jan 11, 2017 11:15 PM

Hi Erfan:

I'm sorry this reply is so late. You may already be aware that the CR7 datalogger has been retired for about 6 years. We ran out of components and are unable to make any more of this model of datalogger. However, for your information, the following components (in addition to the A3497 interface) are needed to measure pychrometers.

Psychrometer measurement requires the S3497X Software that is contained on a special CR7 Measurement and Control System PROM 6825 (the PROM is then inserted in the CR700X Control Module). Instruction 25 controls both the cooling/heating process and thermocouple measurement.

Up to five psychrometers can be cooled/heated with one A3497; all connected psychrometers are cooled simultaneously. The excitation for each A3497 is sourced from one excitation channel on a CR725 Excitation Card; up to eight A3497s can be connected to each 725. The reference temperature measurement and the thermocouple measurements are made by the CR723T Card; up to 14 psychrometers can be measured with each CR723 Card.

To operate properly, the 6825 PROM must be inserted into a CR700X containing the 6122 and 6123 System PROMs. The S3497X software, 6825, 6122, and 6123 Sytem PROMs are NOT AVAILABLE any longer. If your CR7 has been used to measure thermocouple psychrometers in the past then it will already have the three required PROMs installed. If it was used for something else and needs to be modified to work with psychrometers then you can see that there are critical parts that we can’t supply anymore. Sometimes you can find these parts on eBay. A CR7 based psychrometer system is a lot like trying to find parts for a classic car that you want to restore. 

I should mention that we do manufacture and sell the CR6 datalogger that measures thermocouple psychrometers natively and requires no additional excitation interface. If you are interested in speaking to one of our Sales Engineers about measuring psychrometers on the CR6 datalogger, feel free to contact us and we would be happy to assist.

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