i have a modem Sierra GL8200. Connected to a computer i can login to my provider (Vodafone/Germany) and i have an internet connection (IP such as 100.6x.xx.xxx, gateway is the same number). The modem work’s properly.
Connected to a CR1000 a problem occurs.
The DNS servers are configured, modem port is RS-232, 9600 Baud fixed, CR1000 OS version 31
DevConfig -> PPP shows:
ppp state: dialed -> IP Opened
PPP is Default Network
A part of a test CRBasic program:
IPInfoResult=IPInfo (1,0) ‘IPInfoResult= (provider network)
PingResult=PingIP ("www.google.de",100) ‘ PingResult=0 (failure), same result with an IP address
IPTrace(IPDebug) ‘result is an empty string
EmailSuccess=EmailSend (ServerAddr,ToAddr,FromAddr,Subject,Message,Attach,UserName,Password,Result) ‘EmailSuccess= 0 (failure)
I think, the cause is the wrong gateway number.
Has anyone an idea to solve the problem?
Many greetings
Does the datalogger have another Ethernet connection. If it does, you will have to use IPRoute() to force the connection for PingIP() and EmailSend() to go out the PPP interface.
IPRoute("www.google.de", 1)
Thank you for the answer.
PPP is the only way to internet.
Is it possible, to set the gateway address such as the ip address manually?
No. There is not a way to set the PPP gateway in the logger manually or programmatically. The logger usually gets its gateway address automatically from the PPP modem or PPP network it is connecting to.
The gateway address you are seeing looks typical of one assigned on a dynamic IP network so could be correct (it would be very strange for the gateway to be the same as the IP address of the device itself).
Can I suggest that you try increasing the timeout on the pingip command because 100 ms is unlikely to be long enough for a ping response on a 3G connection. 1000 ms would more likely cover the possible range of delays you could experience.