Is it possible to send a miltidimensional array with SendVariables?
I need to send these variables to a second datalogger at a site and can't seem to sort it out.
Alias DataIn(9,1) = Booster_PumpFail
Alias DataIn(9,2) = Booster_LowLevelAlarm
Alias DataIn(9,3) = Booster_Batt
Alias DataIn(9,4) = Booster_BattDoor '0 = Open, 1 = Closed
Alias DataIn(9,5) = Booster_LogrDoor '0 = Open, 1 = Closed
Alias DataIn(9,6) = Booster_HighLevelAlarm
Alias DataIn(9,7) = Booster_Start
Alias DataIn(9,8) = Booster_WaterLevel
Alias DataIn(9,9) = Booster_ACpwr '0 = None, 1 = AC
Alias DataIn(9,10) = Booster_Chg_State '-1=RegFault,0=NoChg,1=CurrLmt,2=Cycle,3=Float,4=BattMast
Alias DataIn(9,11) = Booster_Ck_Batt '0=normal, 1=check battery
Alias DataIn(9,12) = Booster_LogrTmp
Alias DataIn(9,13) = Booster_WaterPressure
Dave, Have you tried DataIn(117) as the starting variable and a swath of 15 in the SendVariables() instruction? Those are the last 2 parameters. 117 (if I've done the math right) is the index into the array, the first value of the 9th row where each row consists of 13 values.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
117 118 119 120, etc.
Hi Janet,
The start of the 9th set would be 105, no? 13 * 8 + 1.
Declaration is Public DataIn(16,13)
In any case, I have tried Getvariables in the receiving logger and SendVariables but neither work with the suggestion.
SendVariables (WTPRxResult,Com3,0,916,0,0,"Public","Booster_Data()","DataIn(105)",13)
I'll assign the data into a single array and try that.
You're right, 105 not 117.
Any progress? What are you getting in the WTPRxResult variable?
Hi Janet,
For some reason, I could not get SendVariables to work on the "base" logger but it's 1529 lines of code. Could never see the data in the remote logger, despite the 0 in the WTPRxResult. I trapped the communictions on the port and looked at it with LogView and it looked ok to me, but then I'm no PacBus expert either.
I used get variables in the other logger and it works fine.
Glad you got it working. Not sure why the Result would be 0 but no values in the receiving logger. If you want to pursue this, send me a copy of your programs and I'll take a look.
For some reason, I could not get SendVariables to work on the "base" logger but it's 1529 lines of code. Could never see the data in the remote logger, despite the 0 in the WTPRxResult. I trapped the communictions on the port and looked at it with LogView and it looked ok to me, but then I'm no PacBus expert either.
I used get variables in the other logger and it works fine.
I had this problem once. Turned out that I had "quotes" around the variable name. Compiles and runs, but won't send any data.
Hi James,
I think I see the error:
SendVariables (WTPRxResult,Com3,0,916,0,0,"Public","Booster_Data()","DataIn(105)",13)
"DataIn(105)" should not have quotes, correct?