Hello Campbell Scientific,
I´ll change of datalogger, i had an CR800 that was monitoring piezometers for 3 years, so this time i´ll change it for a CR6, but all the information registered is the CR800's table, so my question is, how can i get the information from the CR800 and pass it to the CR6 in order to continue with the data in one datalogger?
I hope you do not intend to copy your historical data, from the memory of old to the new logger, with respect but I find it useless, but certainly I misread your post.
For the management program or data logger code, you can use the CRbasis sw, copy all the lines of *.CR8 code and paste (and overwrite) , in new CR6 section for a new file.
After saving and compiling, CRBasic find errors, for example, some parameters of the analog measurements are different from CR8 and CR6, and maybe others.
Resolve the errors that CRbasic has listed and you will have a program for the CR6 running right at 99%.
The new file must well controlled and a field tests are still dutiful.
Also in the field or the lab for the test, the new file will be compiled by the CR6 also, which might find other errors, it depends on the difference between updates of the logger and the OS version CRBasic.
I knew the existence of a converter from * .dld/csi (old logger type CR10X, CR21 and others) to *. CRx. Iam not updated if it exists a converter from CR1 / 8/3000 to CR6.
If you are talking about the file on your computer that was collected with LoggerNet, you should be OK if you keep all the tables the same. In LoggerNet, go to Help Index and select "appending" that will bring up the topic "Appending to Data Files."
Appending to Data Files
When appending data to a data file that already exists, LoggerNet will check to make sure that the existing data file header matches the new data that is to be appended to the file. If the header matches or only non-severe warnings (as described below) are encountered, the data will be appended. If severe warnings or errors are encountered, the existing file will be backed up with a *.backup extension and a new file will be created.
Non-Severe Warnings
Severe Warnings