I have inherited a series of RF connected legacy level sites with SDI12 sensors.
The actual sensors are not all the same and require slightly different handling depending on what has been used (CS451 and an OTT CBS to name a few).
I'm attempting to write a generic program for these sites as they are otherwise identical.
Is there a way to have the CR211X process the string returned from:
SDI12Recorder (SensorType, 1I!, 1.0, 0)
From what I can see the SerialIn command only works for RS232 communications so I can't use that.
I'm looking for something similar to instr available in the CR800 to CR1000 series logger.
Example output from terminal mode is:
SDI12>113CampbellCS45X 001Std.01
Ideally I would parse this string for "CS45X" and then if found have
SensorType = 1
Or something similar. I would then be able to structure the program around which type of sensor was present.
Hopefully somebody has an answer!
The CR200 series loggers do not support string data types. The new CR300 series do not have the limitation.
The lack of strings severely limits what you can do with making a generic program.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Getting new loggers unfortunately isn't an option, guess it will be lots of custom programs then!