We recently had to buy a new upgraded temperature sensor that we utilize to monitor a water bath (a VWR digital thermometer). The sensor outputs a consistent data stream via RS232. We used a CR800 to capture the data for different time tables utilizing the RS232 com. Although the new sensor seems to output the same data stream as the old sensor I cannot capture or see the data on the CR800. Both sensor's output data looks similar when viewing through a hyper terminal Program:
C,26.79 – New Sensor
C, 24.15 ,
C, 24.15 ,
C, 24.15 ,
C, 24.15 ,
C, 24.15 , - Old Sensor
I wrote the following program to capture the old sensor data:
Scan (5,Sec,0,0)
SerialOpen (ComRS232,9600,0,0,16)
SerialInRecord (ComRS232,VWRTemp,67,8,0,NBytesReturned,01)
StringTemp = VWRTemp
CorrTemp = Mid (StringTemp,2,6)
CallTable Temp5Sec
I do not understand why the logger cannot see the data from the new sensor stating a "NAN" value. I have played around with the scan interval, settings on the SerialOpen commend, beginword, endword, bytes size, string size and different commends. Very frustrating!
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
In place of MID, try using SplitStr with the Numeric option.
Would that change the "NAN" value on the VWRTemp variable? Should I not be seeing the data there first?
Your new sensor outputs fewer bytes. Change the 8 to a 6 in SerialInRecord.