I have a file "name.txt" in the datalogger and I want extract a data of that file and see in public of the datalogger with a program.
"TOA5","CR800Series","CR800","29950","CR800.Std.27","CPU:PROGRAMA SINDICATO 18-04-14.CR8","12470","TB1M"
"TS","RN","","ug/m3","Deg C","mmHg","%","ug/m3","Degrees","m/s"
"2014-04-19 15:45:00",0,13.21,15.65,106,479,46.16,9.64,11.83,1.869
"2014-04-19 15:46:00",1,13.21,15.65,106,478.7,45.69,9.64,52,2.389
"2014-04-19 15:47:00",2,13.21,17.02,106,478.8,45.25,12.05,44.18,3.668
"2014-04-19 15:48:00",3,13.21,16.34,106,478.8,45.85,9.64,30.49,2.988
"2014-04-19 15:49:00",4,13.21,17.71,106,478.9,46.46,9.64,58.94,2.509
"2014-04-19 15:50:00",5,13.21,17.02,106,479,46.29,9.64,81.9,3.028
"2014-04-19 15:51:00",6,13.21,15.65,106,478.9,46.7,9.64,39.09,2.828
"2014-04-19 15:52:00",7,13.21,15.65,106,479,46.9,9.64,64.89,4.188
and I want put in variables:
date="2014-04-19 15:50:00"
and see it in public in the loggernet
can you help me?
the east way to change the Txt extention to CSV, name.csv then open direct with excell it will come on colums
i hope that what u mean
Take a look at the help for the FileOpen(), FileClose(), FileReadLine() and SplitStr() functions. You would use FileOpen() to open the file, FileReadLine() to read a line out of the file, SplitStr() to parse the line into an array of values, and, finally, FileClose() to release the file handle.