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use FileRead Filewrite

kokihualpa Feb 20, 2017 10:42 AM


I have a file "name.txt" in the datalogger and I want extract a data of that file and see in public of the datalogger with a program.



"TOA5","CR800Series","CR800","29950","CR800.Std.27","CPU:PROGRAMA SINDICATO 18-04-14.CR8","12470","TB1M"
"TS","RN","","ug/m3","Deg C","mmHg","%","ug/m3","Degrees","m/s"
"2014-04-19 15:45:00",0,13.21,15.65,106,479,46.16,9.64,11.83,1.869
"2014-04-19 15:46:00",1,13.21,15.65,106,478.7,45.69,9.64,52,2.389
"2014-04-19 15:47:00",2,13.21,17.02,106,478.8,45.25,12.05,44.18,3.668
"2014-04-19 15:48:00",3,13.21,16.34,106,478.8,45.85,9.64,30.49,2.988
"2014-04-19 15:49:00",4,13.21,17.71,106,478.9,46.46,9.64,58.94,2.509
"2014-04-19 15:50:00",5,13.21,17.02,106,479,46.29,9.64,81.9,3.028
"2014-04-19 15:51:00",6,13.21,15.65,106,478.9,46.7,9.64,39.09,2.828
"2014-04-19 15:52:00",7,13.21,15.65,106,479,46.9,9.64,64.89,4.188

and I want put in variables:

date="2014-04-19 15:50:00"


and see it in public in the loggernet

can you help me?

Hafez Feb 20, 2017 03:16 PM

the east way to change the Txt extention to CSV, name.csv then open direct with excell it will come on colums

i hope that what u mean

jtrauntvein Feb 21, 2017 11:27 PM

Take a look at the help for the FileOpen(), FileClose(), FileReadLine() and SplitStr() functions.  You would use FileOpen() to open the file, FileReadLine() to read a line out of the file, SplitStr() to parse the line into an array of values, and, finally, FileClose() to release the file handle.

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