My winddirection values are acting weird.
An example:
When its blowing from the west (around 250 degrees), the direction is going from west to North or northeast almost every 2 or so seconds. Its 1 second data from the public table.
But as soon as i open the connect screen (and left it open/running) the winddirection behaves normal. No spikes to the North or northeast once in a while.
Strange isnt it?
When i look at the public winddirection in the connect screen and compare to the public winddirection data in the rtmc window, it isnt the same data once in a while.
Its the same public data used.....
Ive format my cr1000 cpu, see if That helps.....
So far, its working fine again. Wonder what caused it.....
I think i now what caused it.
My winddirection has an offset of 220 degrees.
I used the correction like this: windr=windr+220
But i think it has to be: windr= (windr+220)MOD 360
Am i right?