I am trying to connect my lap-top computer to the CR206x datalogger via a RS-232 to USB cable. When I get to the "Communication Setup" step of the "Add Datalogger" process in the PC200W software, no COM Ports show up. How do I get my USB drive to show up as a COM Port during this step?
PC200W reflects what the operating system shows that it has for COM ports (it reads a list out of a Windows system file). It could be that the USB device is not installed properly on the PC.
Actually, PC208W (assuming it's the same as PC200w) only knows about COM1 thru COM4, so even a properly installed USB serial port at (say) COM8 will not work.
Usually there's a way to configure the serial port drivers to make the USB serial ports somewhere in the visible range.
PC200W is not limited to COM1 through COM4. I use COM4,5,6, and 7 on a daily basis. However, I have had problems using COM10+ before.
If using Windows XP, you can force the port assignment of you USB-serial adapter:
* Install and connect you USB-serial adapter
* Start -> Run -> enter "devmgmt.msc" -> OK
* Expand the "Ports" section
* Right click on the adapter and select Properties
* Select the "Port Settings" tab
* Click "Advanced"
* Change COM Port Number to one that you know is not actually being used
* Last updated by: Sam on 6/6/2010 @ 9:53 PM *
PC208W was a 16-bit application. 16-bit applications were limited to COMS 1 through 9. PC200W and PC208W are not the same application (LoggerNet is the replacement for PC208W).
The current version of PC200W is a 32-bit application and should be able to display whatever Windows knows about.