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Access Cr1000 via Internet

FredSEP Jan 14, 2011 04:53 PM


I have a CR1000 with NL115. I want to access it via internet.
I forwarded the port 80 and 6785 to the NL115 ip (which is static).

now I am able to access the webpage of the cr1000 by entering our internet address in the address field of the browser but only on the computer in the LAN here...

I tried to access it with other pc with via internet without success.

CR1000 -> NL115 -> Router linksys with port forwarding -> cable modem -> Internet -> cable modem -> PC

is there a way to do it by setting the good param. in device config utility?


sonoautomated Apr 6, 2011 07:10 PM


Port forwarding can be tricky because it's done differently depending upon which router you have. There's really nothing to be done in the logger. All the port forwarding stuff is done in the router its self.

With a static IP it really is just xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6785 used in LoggerNet to connect to the CR1000.

Here is a great port forwarding website for specific routers. http://portforward.com/


ChipsNSalsa Apr 7, 2011 05:24 PM

Check the gateway address on the CR1000 and make sure it's the LAN address of your router. While you're at it check the subnet mask too and make sure it's the same as the other devices on your LAN.

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