All FAQs (2057 total: showing 601-620)
- Does the PC-TDR software come with the TDR200/TDR100?
- Is a replacement mounting pipe for the 27106T-L available?
- What are the multipliers and offsets for the 27106T-L?
- How does the 27106T-L make its measurement?
- Can a MEASNET calibration be obtained for a P2546A-L?
- Does the P2546A-L have a mercury switch?
- Can a MEASNET calibration be obtained for an A100LK-L?
- Can the A100LK-L be ordered without a cable?
- How many strain gages can be hooked up per excitation channel using a CR1000 and multiple 4WFBS1K modules?
- How many strain gages can be hooked up per excitation channel using a CR1000 and multiple 4WFBS120 modules?
- How many strain gages can be hooked up per excitation channel using a CR1000 and multiple 4WFBS350 modules?
- Can more than one strain gage use the same excitation terminal?
- What needs to be remembered when trying to excite multiple strain gages from the same excitation channel?
- What is necessary for making strain gage measurements with Campbell Scientific data loggers?
- What is used to wire an AVW200-series module to the control ports on the CR3000, CR1000, or CR800?
- Can a CR3000, CR1000, or CR800 communicate with an AVW200-series module via an RS-232 port?
- How fast can the AVW200, AVW206, AVW211, or AVW216 make a measurement?
- How many AM16/32B multiplexers can be attached to one AVW200-series module?
- What might cause an AVW200-series module to not communicate with a data logger?
- In a wireless network, can the radio of an AVW206, AVW211, or AVW216 translate data from other AVW200-series modules?