All FAQs (2057 total: showing 621-640)
- How many AVW200-series modules can communicate with a CR1000?
- Is there a way to request and obtain the voltage and radio signal strength from a remotely located AVW206 using CRBasic?
- How strong is the signal of the built-in radio on the AVW206, AVW211, and AVW216?
- Is an AVW200-series module required on vibrating wire transducers to limit noise?
- Is there a reset button on the AVW200, AVW206, AVW211, or AVW216?
- What are the differences between the AVW200, AVW206, AVW211, and the AVW216?
- Is a 17394 connected to an SC32B basically the same as an SC-USB?
- How do the 17934, the SC32B, the SC929, and the SC-USB compare?
- Can the CWS655 be repaired?
- When a CWS655 is put in water, why does the volumetric water content read NAN?
- How can it be determined if the NAN values are caused by soil conditions or a faulty CWS655?
- Why is the electrical conductivity (EC) reading NAN on a CWS655?
- On the CWS655, is it possible to disable the logic that causes NAN values?
- Why is the permittivity reading NAN for the CWS655?
- Using a CWS655, CWS655A, or CWS655E, why would the volumetric water content value be NAN?
- How can the CWS655 readings be corrected for temperature?
- Does the CWS655 correct readings for temperature changes?
- With regard to the CWS655, is there a generic calibration equation for artificial soil?
- With regard to the CWS655, is there a generic calibration equation for organic soil?
- How can it be determined if soil is out-of-bounds for a CWS655?