Support for the CR300 datalogger is now available via updated versions of coralib3.dll and coralib3d.dll.
Support has been added for new corascript commands.
Added two items to the "selective_manual_poll_outcome_type" enumeration (CsiDataLogger control) : smp_outcome_logger_busy = 13 smp_outcome_aborted = 14
Note: The C++ examples provided with this version of the SDK target the Visual Studio 2013 IDE. When compiling these examples in Visual Studio 2015, however, it is necessary to configure the project's folder properties to reference newer Windows SDK folders. To do this, open the project in VS2015, then choose "Properties" from the "Project" menu. Under "Configuration Properties", choose the "VC++ Directories" option. For each folder value shown in bold-type, select the drop-down list at the far right, and choose the option called "", and press Apply. If this folder discrepancy is not corrected, then an attempt to build the project will result in the error "Cannot open include file : 'winsdkver.h' : No such file or directory".
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